5 Fun and Educational Ways to Keep Your Child Learning During the Holidays (with ShuleSoft!)

The school bell rings, backpacks are tossed aside, and a cheer erupts – summer break (or winter break, depending on your hemisphere) is finally here! While it’s a well-deserved time for relaxation and fun, keeping your child’s mind active during the holidays can also be beneficial. Here are 5 fun and educational ways to ensure […]

2 mins read

Uzinduzi wa Mfumo mpya wa ShuleSoft na Onyo Kwa matapeli

Taasisi ya ShuleSoft imezindua Mfumo mpya wa ShuleSoft unaojihusisha na usimamizi wa shule, ambapo imelenga kusaidia masuala ya utawala, taaluma, mambo ya kifedha, mawasiliano na kurahisisha ujifunzaji kwa mfumo wa kidigitali wa ShuleSoft. Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari, Aprili 9, 2024 jijini Dar es Salaam wakati wa uzinduzi wa toleo jipya la mfumo huo, Mkurugenzi […]

4 mins read

Zifahamu Hizi Hatari 5 Zinazotishia Mahusiano Yako na ShuleSoft: Kivipi Unaweza Kuzishinda?

Kama mmiliki wa shule, unaweza kujikuta katika mazingira ambayo yanahusisha hatari kadhaa zinazohusiana na matumizi ya mfumo wa ShuleSoft. Hapa chini, tutaangalia baadhi ya hatari hizi na jinsi zinavyoweza kuchangia wewe kushindwa kufanya maamuzi ya kutumia na namna unavyoweza kuzikabili: Kwa kushirikiana na wafanyakazi, wazazi, na wanafunzi, unaweza kuchukua hatua za kuzuia na kushughulikia hatari […]

3 mins read

What is budget control? how it help your school?

Budget control refers to the process of managing, monitoring, and adjusting a school’s budget and cash flow to ensure that the business remains on track to meet its financial goals and deliver on the school’s objectives.  Budget control, meanwhile, is an ongoing process that supports the budget and helps achieve its wider financial aims. Budget […]

4 mins read

RunShule Ni Wezi wa Mfumo wa ShuleSoft, Mahakama Imethibitisha

Taarifa kwa Shule Zote na wadau wote wanaounga mkono ubunifu wa program ya ShuleSoft. Tunapenda kuleta kwa kifupi taarifa kuhusiana na Mfumo wa ShuleSoft na kutoa ufafanuzi kwa mambo mengi ambayo tuliamua kukaa kimya kwa muda kupisha mahakama ifanye kazi yake. Nini Kilitokea? Eng. Ephraim Swilla, ni mbunifu wa program mbalimbali katika hii nchi, alianza […]

8 mins read

Four Key Women’s leadership styles that you can embrace in your school

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the influence of women’s leadership styles cannot be understated. From nurturing collaboration to mentorship and empowerment, women bring a unique perspective to leadership roles that can be embraced to improve our ability to lead and grow our schools. As schools strive to create nurturing and empowering environments for students, […]

5 mins read